Conservation is, therefore, primary a process which leads to the prolongation of the life of buildings and cultural property for its utilization now and the future. The main essence of conservation is to raise the people prosperous where the object of conservation stand, and bring back emotional and astonishment to its object as part of heritage.
Panggung Krapyak, which built by Pangeran Mangkubumi later known as Sultan Hamengkubuwana I about 250 years ago, is still stand up now and there is no significant damaged cause this building as a part of Kraton Yogyakarta property is protected from public teased and harmed, however as an old building, climate and minimum maintenance become the dominant factor of damaging.
This paper would express the ideas and strategy of rehabilitation and revitalization Panggung Krapyak as a Kraton Yogyakarta heritage, there is include its historical and cosmological aspects. Revitalization strategy would embrace macro context to become the urban linkage continuity and also meso context as part of urban node.
Key words : Panggung Krapyak, Urban conservation, linkage continuity.
(Presented on ”International Seminar The Knowledge City: Spirit, Character and Manifestation “ Deparment of Architecture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan, November 13th -14th 2007)